Generic Chicken
Generic Chicken
2006.04.09 20:04
I sometimes buy precooked chicken so that I don't have to cook it again at home. There are several supermarket that sells such produce.
Recently I found the taste and tongue touch of these precooked chickens are very similar to each other wherever I purchased them. You know there's a famous giants everybody knows, but of course what I buy was not that giants'. But the taste and tongue touch of these generic chickens are also very similar to that famous giants', but the prices are much reduced. $1 each as opposed to $2 in original one, and unlike the case of drugs, there's no reduced effect found, just the slight difference we found but the difference affects us in a good way. Because sometimes we want to eat something different in taste and tongue touch. Besides in the case of generic chicken, the price is a half of the original ones. The producers of generic chicken wouldn't say, however, that they analysed every nook and crany the ingredients of the recipe of giants.
Probably many foods were produced in a clandestine recipe in a generation to generation basis in one family company long long ago. Source, soup, whisky, etc, and as times go by, people around them started producing similar foods as well. We cannot keep on hiding something very good.
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