Thursday, May 03, 2007

Manga Society

The Giant
[ 0 Comments #150583 ] Monday November 06, @12:52AM

SoftBank is going to buy MySpace Japan. Amazing. SoftBank not only bought the third largest cellular company -vodafone Japan recently, but trying to buy a popular social networking service MySpace. But MySpace 'Japan'. the number of registered users is still small as opposed to its counterpart Mixi, Japan's most popular one, that has 5.7 million registered users. SoftBank is Yahoo provider in Japan. It also bought Japan's professional baseball team Hawks recently.
The Small Government
[ 0 Comments #150577 ] Monday November 06, @12:33AM

The corporate tax will be reduced soon as the European or American level. East Asian level is less severe than European or American level. Government refused to reduce the corporate tax as East Asian level. Instead the current administration asked the corparate organisation to increase the salary of their employees. This is a perfect example the role of government has been diminishing greatly. This itself ought to be welcome. But I'm not sure whether the corporation will improve the benifit of their employees. I have nothing for it but to wait for the corporation.
Empty Spot
[ 0 Comments #150405 ] Saturday November 04, @04:23PM

The bureaucrats power will drastically increase under the new administration. In foreign relations this country's position will dramatically decline. More and more she will lose identity as a nation. The power seizure of this administration means a kind of appearance of empty spot in map. I don't mention which country.
Manga Society
[ 0 Comments #150401 ] Saturday November 04, @04:03PM

In a TV theatre, show, even in a movie, a serious debate show, etc I always notice all the participants don't like to deal with many matters seriously. Instead they always try to make fun of each other and make light of many serious matters. They know they have already lost the right of choice. They always follow what the stronger countries or international community made a decision. Huge bosoms, deshabille costume, and tentacle monsters are phenomenon of their unrealised dreams. They tend to realise their dreams in manga, not in reality which is nearly impossible.
Eighty-eight Temples Pilgrimage
[ 0 Comments #150399 ] Saturday November 04, @03:52PM

Kookai.-must have nothing to do with Japanese monk Kuukai-.. But if the concept of Kookai in fashion was based on the idea and thought of Kuukai, it is very fascinating. Still many ordinary people go on a trip in 88 temples in an island. It takes at least three months but it might be a wonderful experience when it completed. Kuukai ( 774-835 ) arranged 88 temples after he came back from China. His Buddhist preaching is esoteric, but he not only tsught his Buddhism but did lots of public enterprises like making a pond for drought. 88 Temples pilgrimage is not only held by elderlies but by youngsters too for those intend to seek the meaning of their life by this journey. We have to walk thoughout this journey. I intend to do sometime later in my life.