Thursday, May 03, 2007

Midsummer Night Dream

Ah Again, Then Slashdot
[ 0 Comments #142498 ] Wednesday August 23, @04:01PM

I feel very sleepy. It's 5 am. So see you again.
Midsummer Night Dream
[ 0 Comments #142352 ] Monday August 21, @01:50PM

She divorced some ten years ago and now lives with her 17 year old daughter. I have a place to live and a job here, mainly because she has to live with her minor daughter, she is unable to live with me. Her daughter will be 18 in February next year, and once she get independent she doesn't need to live with her mother/daughter. So she asked me to wait for her till her daughter be independent. Till around next February, she can't live with me.
She told me in her personal email that she's OK to see me just once in a week. She said she doesn't want me to move to her town. She said she has to rethink whether she can live with me in future if I moved to her town right now. She said she doesn't want me to move to her town, and she intend to move to my home after her daughter start living separately. She said she can put up with the situation right now.
Midsummer night dream is over but my nightmare continues.
[ 8 Comments #142308 ] Sunday August 20, @08:45PM

I have to choose.
2...Always be with her.
In order to choose 2, I need to quit my job right now here and move to her town.
I will choose 2.
Now let's start acting.
Typhoon Landing
[ 0 Comments #142144 ] Thursday August 17, @03:08PM

I went to the beach to feel that strong gust caused by a typhoon off Japan. This typhoon is hitting our land soon directly. Owing to this natural phenomenon, we might be unable to see one another this weekends.
Calmness before stome. I hope this replay will work some way or other.
Personal...Too Personal
[ 0 Comments #141856 ] Monday August 14, @11:03AM

From 10:30 p.m. on Saturday to 8:00 a.m. on Monday, we were together all the time. We spent two consecutive nights for the first time. I didn't write anything, I didn't read any thing. I just talked to her, ate with her, slept with her. As an ordinary person she was watching TV as usual. I wanted to be with her always so I watched it together. It was an wonderful exprerience to be with her for two whole nights and one day.
I felt as if I came back from the country called Japan when I stated listening to BBC and browsing Slashdot.
If I were asked from police which nationality I am, I undoubtedly tell them that I am a Slashdotter without hesitation.